biomcmc-lib  0.1
low level library for phylogenetic analysis
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Data Fields
topology_struct Struct Reference

Binary unrooted topology (rooted at leaf with ID zero) More...

#include <topology_common.h>

Collaboration diagram for topology_struct:
Collaboration graph

Data Fields

double * blength
 vector of nodes (the first $L$ are the leaves).
int id
 Branch lengths, with mean, min, max vectors for topology_space.
topol_node root
 topology ID (should be updated by hand, e.g. by functions in topology_space.c)
int nleaves
 Pointer to root node.
int nnodes
 Number of leaves $L$.
topol_node undo_prune
 Number of nodes, including leaves ( $ 2L-1$ for a binary rooted tree).
topol_node undo_regraft
 How to revert most recent SPR move (prune node).
bool undo_lca
 How to revert most recent SPR move (regraft node).
 revert SPR move is lca type or not
 pointers to all internal nodes in postorder (from last to first is preorder)
int n_undone
 pointers to outdated nodes in postorder (from last to first is preorder)
uint32_t hashID1
 number of outdated nodes (which need likelihood calc etc) in topology_struct::undone.
uint32_t hashID2
bool traversal_updated
 hash values of tree, ideally a unique value for each tree (collisions happen...)
int ref_counter
 zero if postorder[] vector needs update, one if we can use postdorder[] to traverse tree
char_vector taxlabel
 number of references of topology (how many places are pointing to it)
int * index
 Taxon names (just a pointer; actual values are setup by newick_tree_struct or alignment_struct)
bool quasirandom
 sandbox vector used in spr moves / quasirandom tree shuffle just to avoid recurrent allocation

Detailed Description

Binary unrooted topology (rooted at leaf with ID zero)

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: