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low level library for phylogenetic analysis
Unary/binary operators on arbitrarily-sized bitstrings (strings of zeros and ones) like split bipartitions. More...
#include "lowlevel.h"
Go to the source code of this file.
Data Structures | |
struct | bipartition_struct |
Bit-string representation of splits. More... | |
struct | bipsize_struct |
Typedefs | |
typedef struct bipartition_struct * | bipartition |
typedef struct bipsize_struct * | bipsize |
typedef bipartition * | tripartition |
Functions | |
bipartition | new_bipartition (int size) |
create a new bipartition (bitstring) capable of storing an arbitrary number of bits and initialize it to zero More... | |
bipsize | new_bipsize (int size) |
Create a new bipsize, which controls some bipartition sizes. | |
bipartition | new_bipartition_copy_from (const bipartition from) |
Create a new bipartition (allocate memory) and initialize it from another bipartition. | |
bipartition | new_bipartition_from_bipsize (bipsize n) |
create new bipartition that will share bipsize – useful for bipartition vectors | |
void | del_bipartition (bipartition bip) |
free memory allocated by bipartition | |
void | del_bipsize (bipsize n) |
free memory allocated by bipsize | |
void | bipsize_resize (bipsize n, int nbits) |
update the valid number of bits and mask – e.g. when replacing subtrees by leaves in reduced trees | |
void | bipartition_initialize (bipartition bip, int position) |
set all bits to zero except the one at position-th bit | |
void | bipartition_zero (bipartition bip) |
set all bits to zero | |
void | bipartition_set (bipartition bip, int position) |
simply set the bit at "position" to one, irrespective of other bits | |
void | bipartition_set_lowlevel (bipartition bip, int i, int j) |
void | bipartition_unset (bipartition bip, int position) |
simply unset the bit at "position" (set to zero), irrespective of other bits | |
void | bipartition_unset_lowlevel (bipartition bip, int i, int j) |
void | bipartition_copy (bipartition to, const bipartition from) |
Copy contents from one bipartition to another. | |
void | bipartition_OR (bipartition result, const bipartition b1, const bipartition b2, bool update_count) |
Binary logical OR ("|") between b1 and b2, where update_count should be true if you need to know the resulting size (slow) or false if you don't care or if b1 and b2 are disjoint (no common elements) | |
void | bipartition_AND (bipartition result, const bipartition b1, const bipartition b2, bool update_count) |
Binary logical AND ("&") between b1 and b2, update_count should be set to false only if you really don't need to know the number of active bits (e.g. sorting, bipartition comparison) | |
void | bipartition_ANDNOT (bipartition result, const bipartition b1, const bipartition b2, bool update_count) |
Binary logical AND ("&") between b1 and ~b2 (NOT b2), that is, apply mask b1 on the inverse of b2. | |
void | bipartition_XOR (bipartition result, const bipartition b1, const bipartition b2, bool update_count) |
Binary logical eXclusive OR ("^") between b1 and b2, update_count should be set to false only if you really don't need to know the number of active bits (e.g. sorting, bipartition comparison) | |
void | bipartition_XORNOT (bipartition result, const bipartition b1, const bipartition b2, bool update_count) |
Binary logical eXclusive OR ("^") between b1 and complement of b2 (that is, NOT b2: b1 ^ ~b2). Used when finding best disagreement (that in this case erases the complement –other side – of agreement edge) | |
void | bipartition_NOT (bipartition result, const bipartition bip) |
Unary complement ("~") of bipartition. Use with caution, since there is no mask for unused padded bits. | |
void | bipartition_count_n_ones (const bipartition bip) |
Count the number of active bits (equal to one). Used by bipartition_AND() and bipartition_XOR() when update_count = true. Please use it parsimoniously since it is as slow as without bitstring representation. | |
void | bipartition_to_int_vector (const bipartition b, int *id, int vecsize) |
fill vector id[] with positions of set bits, up to vecsize bits set | |
bool | bipartition_is_equal (const bipartition b1, const bipartition b2) |
Compare equality of two bipartitions. | |
bool | bipartition_is_equal_bothsides (const bipartition b1, const bipartition b2) |
Compare if two bipartitions represent the same splits (or they are equal or one is the complement of the other) | |
int | compare_bipartitions_increasing (const void *a1, const void *a2) |
Bipartitions comparison, to be used by sort() since returns integer and uses (void) | |
int | compare_bipartitions_decreasing (const void *a1, const void *a2) |
Bipartitions comparison, to be used by sort() since returns integer and uses (void) | |
bool | bipartition_is_larger (const bipartition b1, const bipartition b2) |
Compare sizes of two bipartitions, by number of active bits with ties broken by actual bitstrings. | |
void | bipartition_flip_to_smaller_set (bipartition bip) |
invert ones and zeroes in loco when necessary to assure bipartition has more zeroes than ones | |
bool | bipartition_is_bit_set (const bipartition bip, int position) |
Check if position-th bit is equal to one or not. | |
bool | bipartition_contains_bits (const bipartition b1, const bipartition b2) |
Check if first bipartition contains all elements of second bipartition (b2 is a subset of b1) | |
void | bipartition_print_to_stdout (const bipartition b1) |
Print to screen a bit representation of the bipartition (with number of ones at the end) | |
void | bipartition_replace_bit_in_vector (bipartition *bvec, int n_b, int to, int from, bool reduce) |
replace bit info, copying 'from' one position 'to' another; bool "update" indicates if afterwards size will be reduced | |
void | bipartition_resize_vector (bipartition *bvec, int n_b) |
apply mask to last element (useful after manipulations) and count number of bits | |
tripartition | new_tripartition (int nleaves) |
tripartition of a node (a vector with 3 bipartitions, that should not be 'flipped' to smaller set, however) | |
void | del_tripartition (tripartition trip) |
free tripartition space (just 3 bipartitions) | |
void | store_tripartition_from_bipartitions (tripartition tri, bipartition b1, bipartition b2) |
from node, create tripartition from node->left and node->right (assuming bipartitions were not 'flipped' yet) | |
void | sort_tripartition (tripartition tri) |
sort order of bipartitions s.t. smallest is first | |
int | align_tripartitions (tripartition tp1, tripartition tp2, hungarian h) |
match bipartitions between two nodes and return optimal score (min disagreement) | |
bool | tripartition_is_equal (tripartition tp1, tripartition tp2) |
assuming tripartitions are ordered, check if nodes (represented by tripartitions) are the same | |
Unary/binary operators on arbitrarily-sized bitstrings (strings of zeros and ones) like split bipartitions.
bipartition new_bipartition | ( | int | size | ) |
create a new bipartition (bitstring) capable of storing an arbitrary number of bits and initialize it to zero
[in] | size | number of bits of desired bipartition |